e-saudeSP APK

e-saudeSP APK
e-saudeSP (br.com.duosystem.avancasaude.sp.prod)
Platform for accessing and recording health information for citizens of São Paulo.
Secretaria Municipal da Saúde - São Paulo - SP Medical 1000000 2.2.1

The e-saudeSP app is a platform created by the Municipal Health Department of São Paulo to provide easy access and registration of health information for citizens in the city. Designed to integrate and provide all health information related to municipal SUS services, the app allows users to daily monitor data such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, weight, allergies, and medications. Additionally, it provides a wealth of useful health information, official guidelines from the Municipal Health Department, storage of patient medical history, and geolocation to find nearby health facilities. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the app incorporates the Municipal Health Department's clinical protocols to assist citizens with symptoms by providing the best medical advice and reducing crowded waiting rooms in health facilities.

About e-saudeSP APK

Name: e-saudeSP Developer: Secretaria Municipal da Saúde - São Paulo - SP Version: 2.2.1
Update: Apr 19, 2023 Installs: 1000000 Size: 54 MB

e-saudeSP FAQ

What is e-saudeSP?

e-saudeSP is a health platform created by the Municipal Health Secretariat of São Paulo to facilitate access and registration of health information for citizens in São Paulo. It integrates and provides all health information involved in municipal SUS attendance and allows citizens to register daily health data for monitoring purposes.

What kind of health data can be registered on e-saudeSP?

Users can register health data such as blood pressure, blood glucose levels, weight, allergies, and continuous medication use.

What are the additional features available on e-saudeSP?

e-saudeSP provides official health guidelines by the Municipal Health Secretariat, patient clinical record storage, and georeferencing for locating health units in São Paulo.

What is the purpose of e-saudeSP during the COVID-19 pandemic?

e-saudeSP has been configured with the clinical protocols of the Municipal Health Secretariat of São Paulo to attend to citizens presenting signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The app provides relevant health guidelines and assists citizens in accessing medical consultation, reducing the crowd of people visiting health units.

e-saudeSP APK

e-saudeSP Tips and Tricks

A Plataforma de Saúde Paulistana, e-saudeSP, é uma ferramenta criada pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo para facilitar o acesso e registro das informações de saúde dos cidadãos.

O app integra e disponibiliza todas as informações de saúde envolvidas no atendimento SUS do âmbito municipal de São Paulo. Com ele, é possível registrar diariamente dados de saúde, como aferições de pressão e glicemia capilar, peso, alergias e medicações de uso contínuo.

O app também reúne informações úteis da saúde, como orientações oficiais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, histórico clínico do paciente e georreferenciamento para localização de unidades de saúde.

Em tempos de pandemia do Novo Coronavírus, o app está configurado com os protocolos clínicos da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo para atendimento de cidadãos com sinais e sintomas da Covid-19. Ele é uma importante ferramenta para facilitar o acesso à consulta médica e diminuir a aglomeração de cidadãos em unidades de saúde.

Para utilizar o e-saudeSP de maneira eficiente, é recomendado:

    • Realizar o cadastro completo de informações pessoais e de saúde;
    • Manter atualizado o registro diário de dados de saúde;
    • Consultar orientações oficiais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde no app;
    • Usar o georreferenciamento para localizar unidades de saúde próximas;
    • Seguir os protocolos clínicos para atendimento da Covid-19, caso apresente sinais e sintomas;
    • Procurar um profissional de saúde para orientação e tratamento adequado em caso de necessidade.

Downloads e-saudeSP APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Apr 19, 2023 2.2.1 54 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Apr 19, 2023 2.2.1 54 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Apr 19, 2023 2.2.1 54 MB APK XAPK Download

Install e-saudeSP APK on PC

To install "e-saudeSP" APK on your computer, you will need to follow these steps:

    • Download an Android emulator such as BlueStacks or NoxPlayer on your computer.
    • Install the emulator and launch it.
    • Search for "e-saudeSP" APK on your preferred search engine.
    • Download the APK file on your computer.
    • Once downloaded, open the emulator and click on the "Install APK" option.
    • Select the downloaded "e-saudeSP" APK file and wait for the installation process to complete.
    • Once installed, you can access the "e-saudeSP" app through the emulator on your computer.

That's it! You can now use "e-saudeSP" on your computer.

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Apps from Secretaria Municipal da Saúde - São Paulo - SP
e-saudeSP APK
Installs 1000000