똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 APK

똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 APK
똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 (com.bbros.sayup)
Mobile healthcare service that keeps on researching until 50 million users use it! We save valuable time for patient and carer waiting in hospital.
(주)비브로스 Medical 5000000 9.8.1

Introducing 똑닥 - the essential app for hospital reservations and appointments, and finding nearby pharmacies. We strive to make hospital visits convenient and safe for everyone, with ongoing improvements and updates.

🏆 Awarded 2020 'Untact Service Minister's Commendation' by the Ministry of Science and ICT. 🏆 Awarded 2019 'Venture Award Minister's Commendation' by the Small and Medium Business Administration. 🏆 Awarded 2018 'Consumer Brand of the Year' by the Chosun Ilbo. 🏆 Selected as the 'Best App of the Year' by consumers in 2017 MK Award.

Find Hospitals with 똑닥

  • Search for hospitals near you, that you can easily visit.
  • Search for hospitals that you can visit immediately.
  • Search for hospitals that have available appointments on the date of your choice.
  • Check disease information as well as patient out-of-pocket expenses.

Reservations and Appointments are Essential to Visiting Hospitals

  • You can reserve and schedule appointments for not only yourself, but also your child's medical treatment.
  • Check real-time order of appointments and consultations after reservation and appointment.

Real-time Waiting Status

  • Receive push notifications whenever the waiting sequence changes.
  • You can receive medical treatment at the hospital in the order of the sequence.

Automatic Payment of Medical Expenses

  • Register your frequently used card and pay medical expenses within the app with just one click.
  • Manage prescription and medical expense receipts for saving and safekeeping.

Real-time Claim for Insurance

  • Receive hospital documents you need for filing for insurance claims on your mobile device. (Receipts/detailed statement/prescriptions)
  • Use the documents issued in the app to file insurance claims.

영유아 Check-Ups with 똑닥

  • Reserve check-ups for infants and toddlers.
  • Fill out a check-up questionnaire in advance before visiting the hospital.
  • Check if the questionnaire is properly filled out at the hospital.

Hospital Notifications

  • Receive push notifications from the hospital regarding necessary steps to take after your medical treatment based on your symptoms.
  • Stay informed about changes to your appointment time or holiday schedules through the hospital notification push feature.

Please contact us with any inconveniences during service usage. Email: support@bbros.kr Customer Service: 1899-6826

Check the access permissions used in the 똑닥 app.

[Optional Access Permissions] - Location: Show hospital/pharmacy information on a map based on your current location. - Camera: Provide registration function through QR code recognition on your prescription. - Photos: Provide user profile and reviews photo registration functions. - Phone: Provide calling function through hospital/pharmacy phone numbers. - Storage: Store necessary photos and files for service usage.

※ Optional access permissions are requested when using the corresponding function, and service can still be used without agreeing to them. ※ Settings for application permissions can be changed in your phone's setting menu by selecting 똑닥 and changing its settings.

[Mandatory Specifications for Service Usage] Android 7.0 or later.

About 똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 APK

Name: 똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 Developer: (주)비브로스 Version: 9.8.1
Update: Apr 17, 2023 Installs: 5000000 Size: 206 MB

똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 FAQ

Q: What is the "똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기" app?

A: "똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기" is an app that allows users to search for nearby hospitals, make appointments and registrations for themselves and their children, and get real-time updates on their appointment status.

Q: Is the app award-winning?

A: Yes, the app has won several awards, including the 2020 'Minister of Science and ICT Commendation for Untact Services', the 2019 'Venture Award from the Small and Medium Venture Business Department', and the 2018 'Consumer's Choice Award for Best Brand', and the 2017 'App of the Year' from the MK AWARD.

Q: What can I do with the app?

A: You can use the app to search for nearby hospitals, make appointments, register for appointments, get real-time updates on wait times, and even automatically pay for treatment using a card that you've registered.

Q: Can I use the app to reserve appointments for my children?

A: Yes, you can use the app to make appointments and registrations for your children.

Q: Does the app offer real-time updates on wait times?

A: Yes, the app provides real-time updates on your wait time status and can even send you push notifications when your wait time changes.

Q: Can I use the app to manage my prescriptions and medical bills?

A: Yes, the app allows you to manage your prescriptions and medical bills and even offers an insurance claim feature.

Q: What are the optional access permissions of the app?

A: The optional access permissions include location, camera, photos, phone, and storage.

Q: Where can I go if I have any questions or concerns about the app?

A: Please contact support@bbros.kr or call 1899-6826 for assistance.

똑닥 APK

똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 Tips and Tricks

모두가 편리하고 안전하게 병원을 방문할 수 있도록
똑닥의 새로운 변화는 계속됩니다.

🏆 2020 '언택트 서비스 과학기술정보통신부 장관 표창' 수상(과학기술정보통신부)
🏆 2019 '벤처어워드 중소벤처기업부장관 표창' 수상(중소벤처기업부)
🏆 2018 '소비자가 뽑은 올해의 브랜드대상’ 수상(조선일보)
🏆 2017 '올해의 앱' 소비자가 뽑은 최고의 앱 선정(MK AWARD)

#병원검색은 똑닥
* 지금 내 주변에서 가까운 병원을 검색할 수 있어요.
* 바로 방문할 수 있는 병원을 검색할 수 있어요.
* 원하는 날짜에 예약이 가능한 병원도 검색할 수 있어요.
* 질병을 검색하면 질병 정보 및 환자부담금을 확인할 수 있어요.

#병원가기전 예약∙접수 필수
* 본인 뿐만 아니라 자녀의 진료도 예약∙접수할 수 있어요.
* 예약∙접수 후 실시간 진료순서를 확인할 수 있어요.

#실시간 대기현황
* 대기 순번이 바뀔 때 마다 푸시알림을 보내드려요.
* 순번에 맞춰 병원에 방문하시면 진료를 받을 수 있어요.

#진료비 자동결제
* 딱 한번! 자주 쓰는 카드를 등록하면 진료 완료 후 진료비를 앱에서 결제할 수 있어요.
* 진료 완료 후 (환자보관용)처방전과 진료비 영수증을 관리할 수 있어요.

#실손보험 청구
* 보험청구에 필요한 병원 서류들을 모바일로 받아보세요. (영수증/세부내역서/처방전)
* 발급된 서류들로 똑닥앱에서 실손보험 청구를 할 수 있어요.

#똑닥으로 영유아검진
* 영유아검진을 예약할 수 있어요.
* 병원 방문 전 미리 영유아검진 문진표를 작성할 수 있어요.
* 작성한 문진표를 병원에서 바로 확인할 수 있어요.

#병원 알림
* 진료 후 병원에서 증상에 맞춰 필요한 조치를 푸시로 안내해드려요.
* 진료시간 변경, 휴일 등 공지도 병원 알림 푸시를 통해 확인해주세요.

서비스 이용 중 불편사항 문의주세요.
이메일 : support@bbros.kr
고객센터 : 1899-6826

# 똑닥 앱에서 사용하는 접근 권한을 확인하세요.

[선택접근 권한]
- 위치: 현재 위치 기준 정확한 병원/약국 정보 지도에 표시
- 카메라: 처방전 QR코드 인식을 통한 등록 기능 제공
- 사진: 프로필 사진 및 이용후기 사진 등록 기능 제공
- 전화: 병원/약국 전화번호를 통한 통화 기능 제공
- 저장: 서비스 이용을 위해 필요한 사진 및 파일 저장

※ 선택적 접근 권한은 해당 기능 사용 시 요청하며, 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용 가능
※ 휴대폰 설정 > 애플리케이션(앱) > 똑닥 > 앱 권한 메뉴에서 설정 변경 가능

[서비스 이용 필수 사양]
Android 7.0 이상

Downloads 똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Apr 17, 2023 9.8.1 206 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Apr 17, 2023 9.8.1 206 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Apr 17, 2023 9.8.1 206 MB APK XAPK Download

Install 똑닥 - 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기 APK on PC

To install "똑닥

- 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기" APK on your computer, you will need to use an Android emulator such as BlueStacks or NoxPlayer.

Here are the steps:

1. Download and install an Android emulator on your computer.

2. Download the "똑닥

- 병원 예약/접수 필수 앱, 약국찾기" APK from a trusted source.

3. Open the emulator and click on the "Install APK" button.

4. Select the downloaded APK file and click on "Open" to start the installation process.

5. Wait for the installation process to complete. Once done, you will see the app icon on the emulator's home screen.

6. Click on the app icon to launch the app and start using it.

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