Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ APK

Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ APK
Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ (
Games for girls: glitter beauty coloring pages, dress up, cake, manicure & more
KiDEO Art & Design 10000000 1.6.7

The Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ is a safe and fun application for young girls that features multiple games, such as coloring and drawing, manicure, dress-up, home cleanup, and puzzles. Our mission is to offer parents a reliable and smart educational tool for their children, promoting positive values and encouraging them to become responsible members of society. By downloading the app, your kids will learn how to clean their rooms, save water, take care of their bodies, among other important skills.

The app features a virtual coloring and drawing book with six additional mini-games. It includes beautiful images of famous and beloved beauty products, clothing, accessories, and more. Children will be able to fill colors in prepared outlines or create their original drawings with the easy-to-use tools provided.

The app's mini-games are specifically designed for young girls, with features like manicures with brushes and decorations, dress-up with attractive clothes, dishes cleanup, clothes washing and ironing, cake decoration, and puzzles. It features over 60 colorable pictures, along with 20 bright and beautiful colors, 10 pattern colors, a color spectrum with many colors, free-drawing game, animated stickers, and more.

At Kideo, our goal is to help children develop their cognitive and visual abilities, communication skills, and life skills in a fun and accessible way. Our professional team designs each game for a specific age group, ensuring that they are suitable for all ages. Download our Beauty Coloring Book today and let your kids have fun while learning essential values and skills.

About Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ APK

Name: Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ Developer: KiDEO Version: 1.6.7
Update: Feb 18, 2022 Installs: 10000000 Size: 85 MB

Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ FAQ

What ages is the Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ application suitable for?

The application is suitable for all ages, although it is designed mainly for little girls.

What are the features of the game?

The game includes 60 colorable pictures of beauty products, 20 bright and beautiful colors to use for drawing and filling, a color spectrum with many colors to use for drawing and filling, a free-drawing game for creating original drawings, and 50+ decorations and animated stickers from the world of little girls. The game also includes mini-games such as manicure, dress-up, dishes cleanup, clothes washing and ironing, cake decoration, and puzzles.

What is the educational aspect of the application?

The application encourages the child to clean their room and help their parents doing so. It also educates the little kids to take care and not to show the parts foreign shouldn't see. The dishes cleanup mini-game is designed in an educational way so little kids learn how to save the water. The clothes-washing mini-game includes clothes sorting, washing, drying, ironing, and hanging in the closet.

Is the application available for both phones and tablets?

Yes, the application is suitable for both phones and tablets.

Can the child create their own original drawings?

Yes, the child can fill the colors in prepared image outlines and can also create their own original drawings.

How many patterns are included in the application?

The application includes 10 patterns color to use for drawing and filling.

Is the application free?

No, the application is not free. You need to download it and purchase it for a fee to enjoy all its features.

Coloring APK

Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ Tips and Tricks

Glitter Beauty Coloring Book is a great app for little girls to learn and have fun. Here are some tips and tricks to make the most out of the app:

- Encourage your child to use different colors and patterns to make their drawings unique and special.

- Use the free-drawing game to let your child's creativity flow and develop their artistic skills.

- Try the mini-games to teach your child important life skills, such as cleaning and organizing.

- Use the stickers and decorations to make the drawings even more fun and colorful.

- Set some time limits for your child to play with the app, as it is important to balance screen time with other activities.

- Use the app as a fun and educational activity to bond with your child and spend quality time together.

- Let your child experiment with different game modes and features to find what they enjoy the most.

- Download the app on both your phone and tablet to have access to it wherever you go.

- Encourage your child to share their drawings with family and friends to boost their confidence and social skills.

- Use the app as a tool to teach your child about beauty products and fashion, but also about taking care of themselves and the environment.

Downloads Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Feb 18, 2022 1.6.7 85 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Feb 18, 2022 1.6.7 85 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Feb 18, 2022 1.6.7 85 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤ APK on PC

To install the "Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤" APK on your computer, you will need to use an emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer. These emulators allow you to run Android apps on your PC.

Here are the steps to install the APK:

    • Download and install the emulator of your choice.
    • Open the emulator and sign in with your Google account.
    • Download the "Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤" APK file from a trusted source.
    • Click on the "Install APK" button in the emulator.
    • Select the "Glitter Beauty Coloring Book ❤" APK file and click on "Open".
    • The app will now start installing on your emulator.
    • Once the installation is complete, the app will be ready to use.

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