Deal or No Deal APK

Deal or No Deal APK
Deal or No Deal (com.iwin.dond)
The only official game based on the hit TV show!
iWin Casino 5000000 2.21

Put your luck to the test and try to discover the coveted $1,000,000 briefcase in the only licensed mobile app based on the popular TV game show, Deal or No Deal! Excitingly, the game now presents gamers with the chance to win fabulous prizes every day. Should you successfully outsmart the Banker, your earnings could also be used to enter your preferred sweepstakes and win fantastic rewards, such as a new iPad or TV. Do you have the necessary skill to strike a profitable deal or will you be left with nothing? Take the challenge and find out: Deal or No Deal?

*****by Grams8 “The game is just like the TV show, it has me as apprehensive as when I watched it live on TV. I'm loving it!”

*****by Lee Lee C09 “TRUTH: This game is FANTASTIC! Every time I play it leaves me on edge and I'm completely loving it!”

*****by Deedle03 “Super addictive and entertaining game, which my kids adore.”

*****by Pink0413 “I believe that this is the leading mobile game that I have ever played.”

About Deal or No Deal APK

Name: Deal or No Deal Developer: iWin Version: 2.21
Update: Jul 12, 2019 Installs: 5000000 Size: 69 MB

Deal or No Deal FAQ

What is the Deal or No Deal game?

The Deal or No Deal game is an officially licensed app based on the hit TV game show. It allows players to try their luck in finding the $1,000,000 briefcase and awards them with the opportunity to win big prizes daily.

What are the prizes I can win?

If you beat the Banker, your winnings will be entered into the sweepstakes of your choice. The prizes include items such as a TV or an iPad.

Do I need any special skills to play the game?

No, you don't need any special skills to play the game. Just test your luck and choose "Deal" or "No Deal" at the appropriate time.

Is the game as nerve-wracking as the TV show?

Many players find the game just as nerve-wracking as the TV show. According to one player review, "Makes me just as nervous playing this game as it did when I watched it on tv. Love it!"

Is the game addictive?

Many players find the game addictive and fun to play. One player even mentioned that their kids love playing it.

Is the game available on phones?

Yes, the game is available on phones. One player even said, "I think this game is by far the best game I have ever played on a phone."

Deal or No Deal APK

Deal or No Deal Tips and Tricks

1. Take your time: Deal or No Deal requires careful consideration and strategic thinking, so take your time before making any decisions. Don't let the pressure of the game make you rush to make a deal.

2. Know your limits: Set a goal for yourself before playing the game. Decide how much money you want to win and don't deviate from your goal.

3. Keep an eye on the Banker's offers: The Banker will try to tempt you with offers, but don't let him fool you. Keep an eye on the offers and evaluate them carefully before making a decision.

4. Choose your briefcases wisely: When choosing a briefcase to open, try to eliminate the low-value briefcases first. This will increase your chances of winning big.

5. Stay focused: The game can be nerve-wracking, but don't lose your focus. Stay calm and composed, and make rational decisions based on the facts and figures.

6. Don't be afraid to walk away: If you're not comfortable with the Banker's offer, don't be afraid to walk away. Remember, the ultimate goal is to win big, so don't settle for less.

7. Practice makes perfect: The more you play, the better you'll get. So, keep playing and practicing until you master the game.

Downloads Deal or No Deal APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Jul 12, 2019 2.21 69 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Jul 12, 2019 2.21 69 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Jul 12, 2019 2.21 69 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Deal or No Deal APK on PC

In order to install "Deal or No Deal" APK on your computer, you will need an emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer. Follow these steps:

    • Download and install the emulator of your choice.
    • Download the "Deal or No Deal" APK file from a trusted website.
    • Open the downloaded APK file with the emulator.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the game on your computer.
    • Once the installation is complete, you should be able to launch the game from the emulator.

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