(구)모바일티머니 APK

(구)모바일티머니 APK
(구)모바일티머니 (com.skt.skaf.a000as00tm)
This service has been integrated into a new app. Search for mobile T-money - wallet in my hand and install it for all carriers and budget phones!
(주)티머니 Maps & Navigation 10000000 718G

"Mobile Tmoney is a service that allows you to use your NFC-enabled Android phone and SIM card as a Tmoney card. With no need to open an app or turn on your screen, simply tag the back of your phone to the payment terminal to make a payment. You can also conveniently top up your balance at offline charging stations or through the app. Mobile Tmoney offers both charge and post-payment options with various payment methods available, including credit/debit cards, online transfers, and mobile payments. Plus, you can get the same discounts on public transportation as with Tmoney with the use of eligible credit cards. Other features include real-time balance and usage history tracking, T-money mileage accumulation, and the ability to gift Tmoney balance to others. Mobile Tmoney is accepted at various locations, including transportation, retail, online stores, and more. Note that service availability may be limited based on cellular service provider policies. Contact customer service for assistance."

About (구)모바일티머니 APK

Name: (구)모바일티머니 Developer: (주)티머니 Version: 718G
Update: Oct 12, 2022 Installs: 10000000 Size: 55 MB

(구)모바일티머니 FAQ

◆ What is (formerly) Mobile T-money?

Mobile T-money is a service that allows Android phones supporting NFC and SIM cards to be used as T-money. Payments can be made by simply tapping the back of the phone to the terminal, without the need for an app or screen. Charging can be done at both offline charging stations such as subway stations and convenience stores, as well as within the app.

◆ Is charging with Mobile T-money more convenient?

Yes, it is more convenient. There are two ways to charge:

- Prepaid: The amount you want to use is charged in advance, and automatic charging settings are available.
- Postpaid: The amount used is automatically charged daily, and the balance is restored. Various methods of charging are available, such as credit/debit cards, simple remittances (Toss, KakaoPay), mobile micropayments, bank transfers, and gift certificates. When a credit card can provide a public transportation discount and is registered with and used on Mobile T-money, the same discount benefits are provided.

◆ Can T-money cards be used on Mobile T-money?

Yes, T-money cards can be used on Mobile T-money. Here are the benefits:

- Balance transfer: Transfer T-money card balance to the app for convenient use.
- Balance inquiry: Check T-money card balance by tapping it on the back of the phone.
- Charging: Charge T-money card in the app.

◆ Don't miss out on the various features of Mobile T-money!

- Real-time usage history inquiry: Check current balance, recent usage history, and monthly usage history for the past three months.
- T-mileage accumulation: Earn T-mileage by using public transportation, participating in events, and shopping. This can be deducted when charging or using T-money.
- T-money gifting: Exchange T-money balance with others.

◆ There are many stores that accept Mobile T-money!

- Transportation: bus, subway, taxi, intercity bus, train (railway)
- Distribution: convenience stores, supermarkets, cafes, bakeries, fast food, school cafeterias, etc.
- Online: games, shopping, content, delivery, books and gift certificates
Please check the pay.tmoney.co.kr website for stores that accept T-money.

◆ APP permissions guide

- Required permissions:
Phone: Membership registration, charging payment, customer center connection.
Storage: APP log management.
Address Book: Membership registration, login, T-mileage accumulation, gift giving.

※ If the communication service provider of the phone and the SIM card are different, service usage may be restricted depending on the communication provider's policy.
※ Customer Center: ☎ 1644-0088 (Consultation hours: Weekdays 9am - 6pm, Excluding weekends/holidays)

(구)모바일\n티머니 APK 모바일 티머니 APK

(구)모바일티머니 Tips and Tricks

모바일티머니는 NFC를 지원하는 안드로이드 휴대폰과 유심을 티머니로 사용하는 서비스입니다. 결제는 APP이나 화면을 켜지 않고 휴대폰 뒷면을 단말기에 태그하면 끝! 충전은 티머니카드처럼 지하철, 편의점 등 오프라인 충전소 및 APP에서도 가능!

모바일티머니로 충전이 더욱 편리해집니다. 충전형은 사용할 만큼 미리 충전하는 방식으로 자동충전 설정도 OK! 신용/체크카드, 간편송금(토스, 카카오페이), 휴대폰 소액결제, 계좌이체, 상품권 등 다양한 충전수단 OK! 후불청구형은 사용금액이 매일 자동으로 청구되고 잔액이 복원되기 때문에 매번 충전할 필요가 없어요. 신용카드는 사용금액을 월 1회 신용카드 대금에 합산해서 청구합니다. 체크카드는 사용금액을 카드사가 지정한 날짜에 연동된 계좌에서 인출합니다. 모바일티머니에 대중교통 할인이 가능한 신용카드를 등록 및 사용 시 동일한 할인 혜택을 제공합니다.

티머니카드가 모바일티머니로 쏙! 잔액이전은 티머니카드 잔액을 APP으로 이전하여 편리하게 사용하세요! 잔액조회는 티머니카드를 휴대폰 뒷면에 태그하여 APP에서 잔액 확인 가능합니다. 충전은 티머니카드 충전을 APP에서 할 수 있어요!

모바일티머니의 다양한 기능을 놓치지 마세요! 실시간 사용내역 조회는 현재 잔액, 최근사용내역, 최근 3개월간 월별 사용내역 확인 가능합니다. T마일리지 적립은 대중교통 이용, 이벤트 참여, 쇼핑 등 (티머니로 충전 또는 사용 금액의 청구할인 시 차감 가능)입니다. 티머니 선물은 티머니 잔액을 서로 주고 받을 수 있습니다.

모바일티머니 이용 가맹점이 이렇게 많아요! 교통으로는 버스, 지하철, 택시, 고속버스, 시외버스, 기차(철도)가 있고, 유통으로는 편의점, 대형마트, 카페, 베이커리, 패스트푸드, 학식 등이며, 온라인으로는 게임, 쇼핑, 콘텐츠, 배달, 도서, 상품권 등이 있습니다. 홈페이지(pay.tmoney.co.kr)에서 가맹점을 확인하세요!

APP 권한 안내에는 필수권한으로 전화(회원가입, 충전결제, 고객센터 연결), 저장공간(APP 로그 관리), 주소록(회원가입, 로그인, T마일리지 쌓기, 선물하기)이 있습니다.

※ 휴대폰과 유심의 통신사가 다를 경우, 통신사 정책에 따라 서비스 이용이 제한될 수 있습니다. 고객센터 ☎1644-0088(상담가능시간: 평일 09시~18시, 주말/공휴일 제외)

Downloads (구)모바일티머니 APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Oct 12, 2022 718G 55 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Oct 12, 2022 718G 55 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Oct 12, 2022 718G 55 MB APK XAPK Download

Install (구)모바일티머니 APK on PC

To install "(구)모바일티머니" APK on your computer, you first need to download an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer. Once you have installed the emulator, download the APK file of "(구)모바일티머니" from a trusted website. Open the emulator and click on the "Install APK" button. Choose the downloaded APK file and click on "Open" to start the installation process. Once the installation is complete, you can open the app and start using it on your computer.

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