APK APK (com.sopheos.videgreniersmobile)
Application of the site, agenda n ° 1 on the web.
Sopheos Events 500000 21.09.01

Discover upcoming flea markets, antique fairs, clothing swaps, collector’s shows, and flea markets all near you and throughout France, Switzerland, and Belgium with the app.

The app offers practical features to help you prepare for your weekend outings with ease. You can easily access the location of the events and create a simple itinerary to get there. Additionally, you can mark your favorite events as “I’m going” and receive notifications if they are modified or canceled before the big day.

Organizers can also easily cancel or reactivate an event directly from the app. With its user-friendly interface, is a must-have app for anyone who loves to hunt for treasures and hidden gems.

About APK

Name: Developer: Sopheos Version: 21.09.01
Update: Sep 1, 2021 Installs: 500000 Size: 13 MB FAQ

What is is an app that helps you find flea markets, antique shows, clothing exchanges, collector fairs, and antique dealers near you.

What are some of the features of

Some of the features of include the ability to locate events near you, easily create directions to get there, and add events to your favorites to be notified if anything changes.

Can I receive notifications if an event I'm interested in changes or is canceled?

Yes! If you add an event to your favorites, you will receive notifications if anything changes or if the event is canceled.

Can organizers use to manage their events?

Yes, organizers can cancel or reactivate events directly from the app.

Is only available in France?

No, is also available in Switzerland and Belgium. APK Tips and Tricks

Avec, vous pouvez trouver facilement les vide-greniers, marchés aux puces, salons d'antiquaires, bourses aux vêtements, salons de collectionneurs et brocantes à venir près de chez vous en France, en Suisse et en Belgique.

L'application dispose de fonctionnalités pratiques pour vous aider à préparer vos sorties du week-end. Vous pouvez géolocaliser les lieux des manifestations et créer facilement un itinéraire pour vous y rendre.

Vous pouvez ajouter des manifestations dans vos favoris en cliquant sur « J’y vais ». Ce qui vous permet de recevoir des notifications en cas de changement ou d'annulation.

Pour les organisateurs, l'annulation ou la réactivation d'un événement peut être faite directement depuis l'application.

En somme, est l'application indispensable pour tous les amateurs de brocantes et de vide-greniers !

Downloads APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Sep 1, 2021 21.09.01 13 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Sep 1, 2021 21.09.01 13 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Sep 1, 2021 21.09.01 13 MB APK XAPK Download

Install APK on PC

org" APK on your computer, you need an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or Nox Player. Follow these steps to install the APK:

  1. Download an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or Nox Player
  2. Open the emulator and sign in to your Google account
  3. Download the "" APK from the official website or a trusted third-party source
  4. In the emulator, click on "Install APK" or "Install app"
  5. Select the downloaded APK file and click "Open"
  6. Wait for the installation process to complete
  7. Once installed, you can open the app from the emulator's home screen

Note: Make sure to download the APK from a trusted source to avoid malware or viruses on your computer.

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Apps from Sopheos APK
Installs 500000