Phone Master APK

Phone Master APK
Phone Master (com.transsion.phonemaster)
Manage files on your Android device
Shalltry Group Tools 500000000

Phone Master is a phone utility app that offers various useful features to enhance your phone's performance. With its Image Compression feature, Phone Master enables you to reduce the size of image files, thus helping you save storage space. Additionally, it offers a File Manager that allows you to identify and delete unused files such as repeated or blurred photos, videos, and large files. Moreover, the App Manager feature of Phone Master enables you to uninstall unwanted apps and free up storage space. Phone Master is always keen on improving its features, and your feedback can help in achieving this goal. You can follow the app's Facebook page @ to stay updated and suggest any improvements or cool features you would like to see.

About Phone Master APK

Name: Phone Master Developer: Shalltry Group Version:
Update: Apr 29, 2023 Installs: 500000000 Size: 43 MB

Phone Master FAQ

What is Phone Master?

Phone Master is an app that helps you optimize your phone's storage space by compressing image files, removing unused files, and deleting unwanted apps.

How does Image Compression work?

Image Compression reduces the size of image files on your phone, while maintaining their quality. This helps you save storage space on your phone.

What does File Manager do?

File Manager helps you remove unused files such as repeated or blurred photos, videos, and big files from your phone. This helps you free up storage space and keep your phone running smoothly.

What does App Manager do?

App Manager helps you delete unwanted apps from your phone. This helps you save storage space and improve the performance of your phone.

How can I follow Phone Master on Facebook?

You can follow Phone Master on Facebook by visiting

Does Phone Master have any other features?

Phone Master is constantly adding new features to improve your phone's performance. Stay tuned for more cool features!

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Phone Master Tips and Tricks

Image Compression

- Reduce the size of image files to help you save storage space.

File Manager

- Remove unused files such as repeated or blurred photos, videos and big files from your phone.

App Manager

- Delete unwanted apps to save space.

Your feedback always makes us improve more and cooler features. Follow us on Facebook @

Downloads Phone Master APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Apr 29, 2023 43 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Apr 29, 2023 43 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Apr 29, 2023 43 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Phone Master APK on PC

Unfortunately, it is not possible to install Phone Master APK on a computer as it is an Android application specifically designed to be used on Android devices. However, if you want to use Phone Master on your computer, you can do so by using an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer which allows you to run Android applications on your PC. You can follow the steps below to install and use Phone Master on your computer:

  1. Download and install an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer on your computer.
  2. Launch the emulator and sign in with your Google account to access the Google Play Store.
  3. Search for "Phone Master" in the Google Play Store and select the app from the search results.
  4. Click on the "install" button to download and install Phone Master on your computer.
  5. Once installed, you can launch Phone Master from the emulator and start using it on your computer.

Note: Some features of Phone Master may not work properly on an emulator due to the difference in hardware and software configurations of a computer and Android devices.

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