Moovit APK

Moovit APK
Moovit (com.tranzmate)
Live Transit App - Trip Planner & Timetables for Bus, Subway, Train, Uber, Bikes
Moovit Maps & Navigation 100000000

Moovit is a versatile urban mobility app designed to cater to all your transportation needs. It covers various modes of transportation, including trains, subways, buses, light rail, ferries, dockless scooters, bikes, and ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft. Moovit offers a one-stop journey solution to help riders reach their destination in the easiest and quickest way possible. Users can access train and bus schedules, maps, live navigation, and real-time arrival information, making it easy to plan their trip with confidence. Moovit is used by over 930 million users in more than 3400 cities worldwide and offers real-time arrival updates, digital payment options, live alerts, and more. The app offers an array of features, including live navigation, visualization of stops, user reports, favorite lines and stations, bike routes, and maps view. It is available in 45 languages and partners with numerous public transit agencies across the US, making it the top urban mobility app worldwide.

About Moovit APK

Name: Moovit Developer: Moovit Version:
Update: Apr 28, 2023 Installs: 100000000 Size: 49 MB

Moovit FAQ

What is Moovit?

Moovit is a comprehensive urban mobility app that can help you find the easiest and most efficient way to travel around the city. It offers real-time information on train and bus times, maps, live navigation, and real-time arrival information so that you can plan your trip with ease.

What modes of transportation does Moovit cover?

Moovit covers all urban mobility rides including trains, subways, buses, light rail, ferry, dockless scooters, and bikes as well as ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft.

What are the features of Moovit?

Moovit offers real-time arrivals, digital payment, real-time alerts, live navigation, stops' visualization, user reports, favorite lines and places, bike routes, maps view, and more.

How many cities does Moovit cover?

Moovit guides more than 930 million users in over 3400 cities throughout the world.

How do I report an issue with a station, line service, or schedule?

You can report issues with stations, line service, and schedules through Moovit’s user report feature, which alerts other riders in the area about what’s going on.

Can I purchase bus and train tickets through Moovit?

Yes, you can purchase bus and train tickets and validate your digital pass with a tap using your mobility wallet (in supported metros).

What are some of the public transit agencies that Moovit collaborates with in the US?

Moovit collaborates with public transit agencies such as MTA, NJ Transit, MBTA, LA Metro, SFMTA Muni, BART, Caltrain, CTA, Metra, WMATA, MTA Maryland, TriMet, Sound Transit, SARTA, and more.

How can I contact Moovit?

You can contact Moovit through their Zendesk support page ( or by emailing moovit@Facebook, Twitter.

Moovit APK

Moovit Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks for using the Moovit app:

    • Use the real-time arrivals feature to avoid wasting time guessing train or bus times. This feature is taken directly from GPS devices positioned on buses and trains.
    • Purchase and validate your bus and train tickets with a tap using your mobility wallet (in supported metros). This makes it easy to pay for your ride and avoid scrambling for change.
    • Stay informed about service disruptions, delays, traffic jams, and other issues with real-time alerts. This will help you plan ahead if your bus time or train time changes unexpectedly.
    • Get step-by-step bus live directions and other transit directions with live guidance from A-to-B. Know how long you need to walk to your station, view the arrival time of your line, and receive get-off alerts at your destination.
    • Use augmented reality to locate your bus or train stop with Way Finder. This visualization feature is helpful for finding stops when you're in an unfamiliar area.
    • Report issues found with stations, line service, and schedules to help inform nearby riders. Moovit's users help keep the app up-to-date and accurate.
    • Save your favorite lines, stations, and places for easy access. You'll also receive real-time updates if there are changes to your favorite lines that impact your bus time or train time.
    • If you ride bikes, Moovit can help you plan a trip that includes the train or bus. Bike docking stations are updated in real-time, and bike trip plans are available in supported metro areas.
    • View all stations, routes, and lines on the subway or bus map. Maps are also available in PDF for when you're offline or underground on the subway.

The Moovit app is the #1 urban mobility app in the world and is available in 112 countries and 45 languages. Contact Moovit's support team at or on Facebook and Twitter with any questions or issues.

Downloads Moovit APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Apr 28, 2023 49 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Apr 28, 2023 49 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Apr 28, 2023 49 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Moovit APK on PC

To install Moovit APK on your computer, follow these steps:

    • Go to the official website of any Android emulator of your choice. We recommend using BlueStacks.
    • Download and install the emulator on your computer.
    • Download the Moovit APK file from a trusted source. You can find it through a Google search or by visiting the Moovit website.
    • Open the Android emulator and navigate to the APK file you just downloaded. You can usually find it in your Downloads folder.
    • Click on the APK file to start the installation process.
    • Follow the instructions provided by the emulator to complete the installation process.
    • Once the installation is complete, you can launch Moovit from the emulator and use it as you would on an Android device.

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