台中通暨購物節 APK

台中通暨購物節 APK
台中通暨購物節 (tw.com.event.funtaichung)
Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP provides integrated municipal services, such as single sign-in, digital citizen virtual card, etc., and combines related functions of Taichung Shopping Festival, such as scanning or manually logging in invoices, online prize redemption, etc., to provide citizens with diverse and convenient digital services. Serve.
臺 中 市 政 府 Events 500000 2.35

The Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival App offers a range of municipal services including up-to-date trends, a digital citizen card, personalized services, welfare information, payment options, health discounts and more. Additionally, it incorporates features from the Taichung Shopping Festival, providing access to the newest news, invoice login options, store partnerships, lottery and prize redemption records, and messages. This app is a convenient and diverse digital service for the public.

About 台中通暨購物節 APK

Name: 台中通暨購物節 Developer: 臺 中 市 政 府 Version: 2.35
Update: May 2, 2023 Installs: 500000 Size: 23 MB

台中通暨購物節 FAQ

What is the Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP?

The Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP is a platform that provides integrated municipal services to its users. It offers various features such as the latest trends, digital citizen virtual card, single sign-in, personalized service, life welfare information, payment and payment, good health discounts, and more.

What services does the Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP offer?

The app offers a range of services, such as digital citizen virtual card, personalized service recommendations, life welfare information, payment and payment, good health discounts, latest news of the Taichung Shopping Festival and more. Users can also enjoy many features that make their lives easier and more convenient.

What is the benefit of using the Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP?

The Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP offers a range of benefits, such as providing a one-stop-shop for municipal services and shopping festival news. Users can also enjoy personalized recommendations based on their preferences, making their experience more convenient and enjoyable.

What is the Taichung Shopping Festival?

The Taichung Shopping Festival is an annual event that happens in Taichung. It is a platform for retailers to showcase their products and for shoppers to enjoy discounts and promotions.

What features does the Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP offer for the Taichung Shopping Festival?

The app features the latest news of the Taichung Shopping Festival, the login invoice (scanning and manual login), cooperative stores, invoice records (lottery tickets, cloud invoices, online prize redemption), my messages, and more. Users can stay up to date on events and manage their shopping more efficiently by using the app.

How can I download the Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival APP?

You can download the app on the App Store or Google Play. It is available for free to all users.

台中通暨購物節 APK

台中通暨購物節 Tips and Tricks

The Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival App is designed to provide integrated municipal services to its users. Some of the tips and tricks for this app include:

    • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news related to the Taichung Shopping Festival.
    • Get a digital citizen virtual card that provides personalized services and benefits for the users.
    • Use the single sign-in option to access all the features of the app easily.
    • Get access to life welfare information that includes payment and payment options, good health discounts, etc.
    • Keep track of all your shopping activities, get login invoices, and use features like scanning and manual login to process invoices.
    • Explore the list of cooperative stores and their offerings on the app.
    • Get all your invoice records in one place, including lottery tickets, cloud invoices, and online prize redemption.
    • Keep track of all your messages on the app, including any notifications related to the Taichung Shopping Festival.

Overall, the Taichung Pass and Shopping Festival App provides public diversified and convenient digital services that make it easier for users to enjoy the shopping festival and other municipal services related to Taichung. Download the app today and explore its many features to get the most out of it.

Downloads 台中通暨購物節 APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One May 2, 2023 2.35 23 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two May 2, 2023 2.35 23 MB APK XAPK Download
Official May 2, 2023 2.35 23 MB APK XAPK Download

Install 台中通暨購物節 APK on PC

To install the "台中通暨購物節" APK on your computer, you need to follow the steps given below:

    • Firstly, download an Android emulator on your computer, such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer.
    • Once downloaded, install the Android emulator on your computer following the on-screen instructions.
    • Next, download the "台中通暨購物節" APK file from a trusted source.
    • After that, launch the Android emulator on your computer and click on the "Install APK" button.
    • Now, navigate to the location where you downloaded the "台中通暨購物節" APK file and select it.
    • Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of the app on your computer.

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