Jogo da Forca APK

Jogo da Forca APK
Jogo da Forca (
Challenge your family and friends in a battle of words fun
Smart Funny Games Word 10000000 1.99.9918

Games Jogo da Forca is a challenging and educational game that helps players improve their Portuguese language skills. The game features nine different categories, including animals, fruits, countries, and more. To win, players must correctly guess the suggested word by using tips such as the theme and the number of letters. Each correct letter reveals more of the word, while each incorrect guess leads to the drawing of a body part on a hanged doll. The game has a time limit and ends when the player either correctly guesses the word or completes the drawing of the hanged doll. While currently only available in Portuguese, the game will soon be released in other languages. Perfect for players of all ages, Games Jogo da Forca is an engaging way to challenge friends and family while having fun and learning.

About Jogo da Forca APK

Name: Jogo da Forca Developer: Smart Funny Games Version: 1.99.9918
Update: Jul 6, 2015 Installs: 10000000 Size: 6 MB

Jogo da Forca FAQ

What is Jogo da Forca?

Jogo da Forca is a game where you have to guess a word by suggesting letters. To help you, you have tips like the theme and the number of letters of the suggested word.

How many categories does the game have?

The game has nine categories: animals, fruits, countries, transport, refreshments, food, sports, colors, professional, and fun.

How does the game work?

The game works as follows: there is a time limit to set the proposed word. If the time is exhausted, the game is ended, and you return to the same phase. Each wrong letter, a part of the body of the doll will be drawn if all errored, he will be hanged, and the game will end. Thus, back again to the same phase. Each correct letter, the word will be easier to be decrypted. If you succeed in guessing the word, the game ends, and you go to the next level.

Is Jogo da Forca available in other languages?

Currently, Jogo da Forca is only available in Portuguese, but soon, we will release versions in various languages.

Is Jogo da Forca good for learning Portuguese?

Yes, Jogo da Forca is an excellent game for learning Portuguese, as you can practice by guessing words related to different themes and categories.

Jogo da Forca APK

Jogo da Forca Tips and Tricks

If you enjoy playing "Jogo da Forca," we've got some tips and tricks to help you out:

1. Pay attention to the category: When you're trying to guess the word, keep in mind the category it belongs to. This will give you an idea of what kind of word it might be.

2. Use common letters: Guessing common letters like "E" and "A" can help you narrow down the word and make it easier to guess.

3. Take your time: Don't rush through the game. Take your time to think about each letter and make an educated guess.

4. Watch the body parts: Each time you guess a wrong letter, a body part will be drawn on the doll. If you're getting too many wrong guesses, it might be time to start focusing on more common letters.

5. Stick to one category: If you're having a hard time with a certain category, don't switch categories. It's better to stick to one and learn the words in that category.

Remember, "Jogo da Forca" is a fun way to challenge your language skills and learn new vocabulary. So, enjoy the game and don't give up!

Downloads Jogo da Forca APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Jul 6, 2015 1.99.9918 6 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Jul 6, 2015 1.99.9918 6 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Jul 6, 2015 1.99.9918 6 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Jogo da Forca APK on PC

  1. First, download an Android emulator like BlueStacks or NoxPlayer on your computer.

  2. Once you have the emulator installed, download the "Jogo da Forca" APK file from a reliable source.

  3. Open the emulator and click on the "Install APK" option.

  4. Select the "Jogo da Forca" APK file that you downloaded and click "Open."

  5. Wait for the emulator to install the APK and then launch the game from the emulator's app drawer.

  6. You can now enjoy playing "Jogo da Forca" on your computer using the emulator.

Note: Make sure to only download APK files from trustworthy sources to avoid any security risks on your computer.

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