Oceanborn: Survival on Raft APK

Oceanborn: Survival on Raft APK
Oceanborn: Survival on Raft (com.karategoosestudio.oceansurvival)
Gather resources, craft items and try to survive on your raft in the ocean...
Karate Goose Studio Simulation 5000000 2.2

Oceanborn: Survival on Raft is a thrilling survival game that challenges you to thrive in the midst of the open ocean. Stranded without civilization, you must gather resources from the water and craft essential items to sustain yourself. As you fight for survival, you'll also have to fend off sharks and maintain a steady supply of food and fresh water. With an advanced crafting system, this game is perfect for players who love crafting, building, and survival games. Grow your own vegetables, construct flooring and pillars, cook food and water, and even go fishing in this exciting game. Join our community on Facebook to stay connected and keep up with the latest updates. Please note that we are not affiliated with the developers of the original Raft game.

About Oceanborn: Survival on Raft APK

Name: Oceanborn: Survival on Raft Developer: Karate Goose Studio Version: 2.2
Update: Jul 19, 2022 Installs: 5000000 Size: 44 MB

Oceanborn: Survival on Raft FAQ

What is Oceanborn: Survival on Raft?

Oceanborn: Survival on Raft is a survival game where you find yourself stranded in the middle of the ocean with only a raft and the harsh environment to survive.

What is the objective of the game?

The objective of the game is to survive by gathering resources from the ocean, crafting necessary items for your survival, finding fresh water and food, and protecting yourself from the shark.

What kind of resources can I gather?

You can gather resources such as wood, plastic, and various items from the ocean that can aid in your survival.

What can I craft using the resources I gather?

You can craft a variety of items such as tools, weapons, and structures for your raft.

What can I build with my resources?

You can build flooring, pillars, rafting stairs and many other things to make your raft more habitable and more durable.

How do I get fresh water and food?

You can collect rainwater or create a simple desalination system to get fresh water. You can also fish and cook food.

How do I protect myself from the shark?

You can craft weapons and build structures to keep yourself safe from the shark. It is important to keep an eye on the shark's movements in the water and create a strategy to avoid it.

Can I grow vegetables and palm trees?

Yes, you can grow vegetables and palm trees to sustain your food source and create a more habitable environment on your raft.

Are there other players in the game?

No, this game is a solo survival game. You are the only player in the game.

How can I join the Oceanborn: Survival on Raft community?

You can join the Oceanborn: Survival on Raft community on Facebook by visiting: https://www.facebook.com/Oceanborn-Raft-Survival-1693401270953846/

Is Oceanborn: Survival on Raft affiliated with the developers of the Raft game?

No, we are not affiliated with the developers of the original Raft game.

Oceanborn : Raft Survival APK

Oceanborn: Survival on Raft Tips and Tricks

If you're looking to survive and thrive in the game Oceanborn: Survival on Raft, we've got some tips and tricks to help you succeed!

1. Keep an eye out for resources floating in the ocean. You'll need them to craft items, build your raft, and survive.

2. Craft tools as soon as possible. This will make gathering resources much easier.

3. Build a shelter on your raft to protect yourself from the sun and rain.

4. Grow vegetables and palm trees to provide a steady supply of food and materials for crafting.

5. Cook food and boil water to keep yourself nourished and hydrated.

6. Fishing is a great way to get food and other materials.

7. Keep an eye out for the shark – it's your biggest threat in the game. Craft weapons to defend yourself.

8. Build flooring, pillars, rafting stairs, and more to expand your raft and create a more efficient living space.

By following these tips and utilizing the advanced crafting system, you'll be able to survive and thrive in Oceanborn: Survival on Raft. Good luck!

Downloads Oceanborn: Survival on Raft APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Jul 19, 2022 2.2 44 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Jul 19, 2022 2.2 44 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Jul 19, 2022 2.2 44 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Oceanborn: Survival on Raft APK on PC

To install "Oceanborn: Survival on Raft" APK on your computer, you will need to use an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer.

Here are the steps:

    • Download and install an Android emulator on your computer. Bluestacks and NoxPlayer are both popular choices.
    • Once the emulator is installed, open it and sign in with your Google account.
    • Download the "Oceanborn: Survival on Raft" APK file from a trusted source on the internet.
    • Drag and drop the APK file onto the emulator to start the installation process.
    • The emulator will ask for your permission to install the APK. Click "Install" to proceed.
    • The installation process may take a few minutes to complete, depending on your computer's speed.
    • Once the installation is complete, you should see the "Oceanborn: Survival on Raft" app icon in the emulator's app drawer.
    • Click on the app icon to launch the game and start playing!

That's it! You can now enjoy "Oceanborn: Survival on Raft" on your computer using an Android emulator.

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