Sololearn APK

Sololearn APK
Sololearn (com.sololearn)
Learn to code Python, C++, C#, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Online Code academy
Sololearn - Learn to Code Education 10000000 4.44.0

Sololearn is an app that offers over 20 programming languages to learn, including Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, C#, Java, SWIFT, Go, and C++. With free, bite-sized lessons designed by expert developers, users can practice and build code in Python, C++, HTML, and Java, and get an online code editor to practice. Sololearn supports beginners and experienced coders with personalized content tailored to their skills. Users can learn at their own pace, take quizzes, and practice daily with up-to-date content. The app also includes a community of 40 million programming students and 24/7 free user support. Users can gain XP, compete against fellow coders, and earn certificates for completed courses. Sololearn is available on mobile devices and the browser.

About Sololearn APK

Name: Sololearn Developer: Sololearn - Learn to Code Version: 4.44.0
Update: Apr 28, 2023 Installs: 10000000 Size: 57 MB

Sololearn FAQ

What is Sololearn?

Sololearn is a coding academy that offers free courses in various programming languages including Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, C#, Java, SWIFT, Go, and C++. It provides bite-sized lessons, real-world challenges, and a coding community to help learners reach their coding goals.

How can I access Sololearn courses?

Sololearn courses are accessible through the Sololearn app, which is available for free on both Android and iOS devices. You can also use it in your browser at

What programming languages are offered in Sololearn?

Sololearn offers free courses in over 20 programming languages including Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, C#, Java, SWIFT, Go, and C++.

What is the level of difficulty for Sololearn courses?

Sololearn offers courses for all levels, from beginners to advanced coders. The courses are tailored to your level, so you can learn at your own pace and focus on what you want to improve.

Is Sololearn really free?

Yes, Sololearn is completely free. You can access all the courses, features, and content without any hidden costs.

How can I get help while learning with Sololearn?

Sololearn offers 24/7 free user support through its coding community. You can also reach Sololearn directly by reporting feedback within the app or by emailing

Can I use Sololearn to build apps or websites from my phone?

Yes, Sololearn offers an online code editor that lets you write code, run programs, and share ideas from your phone for free. You can practice coding languages highly in-demand right now: Python, Java, C++, Ruby, HTML, CSS, C#, SQL, and JavaScript.

Can I earn certificates for completing Sololearn courses?

Yes, Sololearn offers certificates for each course you finish, from Python to C++, SQL to Java. You can showcase your coding skills and share your Sololearn academy certificate on LinkedIn to uplift your tech career.

How does Sololearn help me learn to code?

Sololearn offers a variety of ways to learn, including countless online coding and programming courses, bite-sized lessons, real-world challenges, gaining XP and competing against fellow coders, and a coding community to get help from. You can also create your first app or website with Sololearn's online code editor.

How can I contact Sololearn?

You can reach Sololearn directly by reporting feedback within the app or by emailing You can also follow Sololearn on LinkedIn ( and TikTok (

Can everyone learn to code with Sololearn?

Yes, Sololearn believes that everyone can learn to code. It offers courses for all levels, from beginners to advanced coders, and provides a supportive community to help learners reach their coding goals.

Sololearn APK

Sololearn Tips and Tricks

Are you ready to start your coding journey with Sololearn? Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the app:

    • Choose your programming language and start with the basics.
    • Bite-sized learning works best, so take short lessons regularly.
    • Practice and test your knowledge with games, quizzes, and coding challenges.
    • Don't hesitate to ask for help from the Sololearn community.
    • Use the online code editor to write and test your own code.
    • Earn certificates as you complete courses to show off your skills.
    • Keep up-to-date with tech trends and new programming languages with Sololearn.

Remember, consistency is key! Make coding a daily habit to build your skills and achieve your goals.

For more support and resources, reach out to Sololearn via email or connect on LinkedIn and TikTok. And don't forget to check out the Sololearn website for additional learning opportunities!

Downloads Sololearn APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Apr 28, 2023 4.44.0 57 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Apr 28, 2023 4.44.0 57 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Apr 28, 2023 4.44.0 57 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Sololearn APK on PC

To install the "Sololearn" APK file on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install an Android emulator on your computer. Some popular options include Bluestacks, Nox Player, and LD Player.

  2. Once the emulator is installed, download the "Sololearn" APK file from a trusted source.

  3. Open the emulator and navigate to the "File" or "Install APK" option, depending on the emulator you're using.

  4. Select the "Sololearn" APK file from your computer's downloads folder or wherever you saved it.

  5. The emulator will install the app and you should see the "Sololearn" icon appear in the app drawer.

  6. Click on the "Sololearn" icon to launch the app and start learning to code or improve your coding skills.

Note: It's important to only download APK files from trusted sources to avoid malware and other harmful files.

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Apps from Sololearn - Learn to Code
Sololearn APK
Installs 10000000