Add Reminder APK

Add Reminder APK
Add Reminder (countdown.reminder.widget)
Add Reminder is smart task reminder will alarm you about things remembered
EVKAR LTD Events 500000 1.68

Apps Add Reminder is a comprehensive reminder app and widget that ensures you never miss an important event or task again. With this app, you can easily set reminders for birthdays, weddings, MLB ballpark, and other important occasions. The app comes equipped with a beautiful date countdown widget that helps you keep track of all your important dates without having to manually calculate the days until each one.

The countdown timer also comes with an alarm function that ensures you never miss an event or task. You can customize both the widget and app as per your preferences and choose from different themes and widget backgrounds. You can also choose your own colors to create a personalized look for your countdown timer.

Add Reminder feature helps you never forget a date and wake up with a morning call. Creating a to-do list with smart reminder is easy with this app. The countdown timer widget is also a great tool to help you countdown to a specific date.

With its excellent task reminder service, you can be assured that you won't miss any important deadlines. Whether it's your girlfriend's birthday or a family celebration, the Remind Me widget has got you covered.

In summary, the Apps Add Reminder is an essential app for anyone who wants to keep track of their important events and tasks. With its user-friendly features and customizable options, it is an app that you can trust to ensure that you never forget any important date or occasion.

About Add Reminder APK

Name: Add Reminder Developer: EVKAR LTD Version: 1.68
Update: Apr 17, 2021 Installs: 500000 Size: 8 MB

Add Reminder FAQ

What is the purpose of the "Add Reminder" app?

The "Add Reminder" app is designed to help you remember important events, tasks, and birthdays with the help of a reminder and countdown timer widget.

What kind of events can I set reminders for?

You can set reminders for birthdays, MLB ballparks, weddings, tasks, and any other event that you want to be reminded of.

How does the countdown timer work?

The countdown timer is a reminder with an alarm that helps you keep track of the days left until a specific date. It's a great way to countdown to a celebration, your wedding, a birth in your family, new year, Christmas, and more.

Can I customize the app and widget?

Yes, you can customize the app and widget in various ways. You can choose from many themes, customize colors, add different widget backgrounds, and more.

What kind of reminders does the app offer?

The app offers smart reminders that help you create a to-do list and get excellent task reminders. You can also wake up with a morning call to start your day on time.

Is the app available for free?

The app is available for free, but there may be some additional features that require a premium subscription. However, the basic features of the app are completely free to use.

Can the app help me remember important dates?

Yes, the app can help you remember important dates like birthdays, anniversaries, and more, so you never miss an important event again.

Remind Me APK

Add Reminder Tips and Tricks

Tip 1: Utilize the "Add Reminder" feature to never miss an important event or task again.

Tip 2: Customize your Countdown Timer Widget with different themes, colors, and backgrounds to ensure it fits your style.

Tip 3: Use the Countdown Timer Widget to track days left until a significant event.

Tip 4: Create a To-Do list for tasks and get excellent reminders to ensure that you complete them on time.

Tip 5: Set a morning call reminder to wake up without oversleeping.

Tip 6: With the Remind Me widget, you never forget your girlfriend's birthday or any other important date.

Tip 7: Use the Countdown Widget to count down to significant events like weddings, new years, or Christmas, and the Reminder Widget will be your guide.

Downloads Add Reminder APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Apr 17, 2021 1.68 8 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Apr 17, 2021 1.68 8 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Apr 17, 2021 1.68 8 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Add Reminder APK on PC

To install the "Add Reminder" APK on your computer, you will need an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer.

Follow these steps:
1. Download and install an Android emulator on your computer.
2. Once the emulator is installed, launch it.
3. Open the browser within the emulator and download the "Add Reminder" APK file from a trusted source.
4. Once the APK file is downloaded, double-click on it to install it.
5. The installation process may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the APK file.
6. Once the installation is complete, you can launch the "Add Reminder" app and start using it on your computer.

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