Corona-Warn-App APK

Corona-Warn-App APK
Corona-Warn-App (de.rki.coronawarnapp)
Let‘s fight Corona together
Robert Koch-Institut Health & Fitness 10000000 3.2.0

The Corona-Warn-App is a digital tool developed by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the central federal institution for public health and the German national public health institute, on behalf of the German government. The app complements other preventive measures such as social distancing, hygiene, and mask-wearing. It also allows users to add their digital vaccination certificates as proof of their vaccination status. The app uses Bluetooth technology and the Google Exposure Notification APIs to track encounters with other users. The app notifies users anonymously if they have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus. It does not collect any personal information and guarantees full data protection throughout its service life. The app is only used in Germany, where it is interconnected with the national healthcare system. The terms of use apply upon installation and usage of the app.

About Corona-Warn-App APK

Name: Corona-Warn-App Developer: Robert Koch-Institut Version: 3.2.0
Update: Apr 20, 2023 Installs: 10000000 Size: 16 MB

Corona-Warn-App FAQ

What is the Corona-Warn-App?

The Corona-Warn-App is a digital complement to distancing, hygiene and wearing masks. Additionally, it provides a functionality to add your digital vaccination certificates to prove your vaccination status. It uses Bluetooth technology and the Google Exposure Notification APIs to help break infection chains by informing you if you were recently close to someone who subsequently tested positive for corona. However, at no time does it collect any personal information. Who you are and where you are remain secret – and your privacy is well-protected.

How does the Corona-Warn-App work?

The app uses Exposure logging, which is the core of the app and should always be active. When enabled, smartphones exchange encrypted random IDs with other devices using Bluetooth. The random IDs only provide information about the duration and distance of an encounter. No one is able to identify the person behind these IDs. The Corona-Warn-App does not collect any information about the location of the encounter or that of its users. Based on maximum corona incubation times, the random IDs your smartphone collects are stored in an exposure log for 14 days and then deleted. If a person is diagnosed with corona and chooses to share his/her own smartphone’s random IDs, all persons previously encountered will then be notified anonymously. No one will know when, where or with whom the exposure event took place. The infected person remains anonymous.

How is my data protected on the Corona-Warn-App?

The Corona-Warn-App is designed to protect your data. No registration is required and no personal information is transmitted. When you encounter another person using the app, your smartphones only exchange random IDs. They measure the time and distance of an encounter but do not allow identifying persons or finding out locations. Data is stored only on the smartphone itself and deleted after 14 days. Neither the person reporting a proven corona infection nor those who have been notified can be traced – not by the German government, the Robert Koch Institute, any other user, nor by Google.

Can I use the Corona-Warn-App outside of Germany?

This app is not intended for any use outside of Germany. Corona-Warn-App is the main corona app for Germany, where it is interconnected with the national health care system. Despite the above, Corona-Warn-App is also available in this country. It is provided for anyone living, working, vacationing, or visiting Germany regularly or for an extended period of time.

What are the terms of use for the Corona-Warn-App?

The terms of use for the Corona-Warn-App apply: By installing and using this app, you accept these terms of use.

Corona-Warn APK

Corona-Warn-App Tips and Tricks

1. Keep the exposure logging feature enabled at all times.

2. Make sure to have Bluetooth turned on while using the app.

3. The app does not require any personal information to be submitted, and data is stored only on the smartphone for a maximum of 14 days.

4. If you are diagnosed with corona and choose to share your smartphone's random IDs, all previously encountered persons will be notified anonymously.

5. Information about the notified persons is not accessible at any time.

6. The app is designed to be a daily companion and does not know your identity.

7. Data protection is fully guaranteed throughout the app's entire service life.

8. The app is only intended for use within Germany, but is also available for those living, working, or visiting the country for an extended period of time.

9. Familiarize yourself with the terms of use for the Corona-Warn-App before installing and using it.

Downloads Corona-Warn-App APK

Please note that downloading APK files from unofficial sources may pose security risks, so it's important to exercise caution and ensure you are downloading from trusted websites. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable copyright laws and only download games or applications that you have legal access to.
Source Update Version Type Size LINK
Mirror One Apr 20, 2023 3.2.0 16 MB APK XAPK Download
Mirror Two Apr 20, 2023 3.2.0 16 MB APK XAPK Download
Official Apr 20, 2023 3.2.0 16 MB APK XAPK Download

Install Corona-Warn-App APK on PC

To install "Corona-Warn-App" APK on your computer, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Download an Android emulator such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer

Step 2: Search for "Corona-Warn-App APK" on a search engine and download the file

Step 3: Open the emulator and click on the "Install APK" button

Step 4: Navigate to the directory where you saved the "Corona-Warn-App APK" file and select it

Step 5: The app should start installing and will be usable once the installation is complete

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